Using existing Microsoft Money data on a new computer

If you've been using a Microsoft Money file on a computer, and subsequently purchase a new machine, a commonly asked question is how to use or transfer your data onto the new system.

This is actually really easy. Microsoft Money data lives in a file with a MNY extension, and that is the only file that needs to be transferred over to the new machine. You might also want to have your backup files transferred across, but these are not essential for the program to operate.

You do not need to use backup and restore on the original file.

To find your Money file, see Article 324. Once you have found it, then copy the file onto some sort of removeable media device (such as a USB stick). Take that removeable device go to the new computer. Copy the file into the My Documents folder. Assuming you have already installed Microsoft Money on the new machine, then all you need to do it to double click on the file to open it (Money will remember which file to open next time).

Do not delete your Money file off the old machine until you are positive it is working fine on the new one.

This article applies to all versions, products and localizations of Microsoft Money.

If you're using Microsoft Money 2005, then also see Article 42, as you may experience that on the new computer.

Do not forget to initiate a new backup procedure on the new computer to ensure your money file is saved properly.

Category: FileManagement

Keywords: file, computer, transfer, PC