Online Service Policies relating to product expiry (non-US versions)

Collated below are extracts from the online services policies (also known as Internet Based Services Policy (IBSP)) of some of the recent Microsoft Money (non-US) versions (US policies can be found in Article 186 and Article 544)

Functionality included in online services can be found in Article 498.

Microsoft Money 2005 French:

Microsoft® Money inclut jusqu'à deux (2) ans de services Internet. Vous pourrez utiliser les services Internet de Microsoft Money  pendant une durée de deux (2) ans à compter de la date d'installation du produit ou jusqu'au 1er septembre 2007, au premier des termes échus. Après expiration et une fois la limite de validité des services Internet atteinte, si vous décidez de ne pas passer ou si vous ne pouvez pas passer à une version de Microsoft Money qui continue de proposer des services Internet, vous ne pourrez plus mettre à jour automatiquement vos comptes ni vos valeurs de placement dans Microsoft Money. Vous pourrez par contre toujours afficher et modifier vos données financières dans Microsoft Money, ainsi que mettre à jour manuellement vos comptes et vos valeurs de placement. Microsoft peut parfois, et sans notification, télécharger et installer automatiquement sur votre ordinateur des mises à jour pour votre logiciel Microsoft Money, y compris des mises à jour nécessaires à l'utilisation des services Internet.

Microsoft Money 2005 UK:

This version of Microsoft® Money includes up to two (2) years of Internet-based Services. You will be able to use the Internet-based Services in this version for a period of two (2) years from installation of the product or until September 1, 2007, whichever is earlier. After expiration, if you elect not to upgrade or are unable to upgrade to a version of Microsoft Money that continues to support the Internet-based Services in this version, you will not be able to automatically update your accounts and investment values in this version.  You will still be able to view and edit your financial data in this version and to manually update your accounts and investment values. Microsoft may from time to time without notice, automatically download and install onto your computer updates for Microsoft Money, including updates necessary for you to continue to use the Internet-based Services (See also Article 59).

Microsoft Money 2005 International

This version of Microsoft® Money includes up to two (2) years of Internet-based Services. You will be able to use the Internet-based Services in this version for a period of two (2) years from installation of the product or until September 1, 2007, whichever is earlier. After expiration, if you elect not to upgrade or are unable to upgrade to a version of Microsoft Money that continues to support the Internet-based Services in this version, you will not be able to automatically update your accounts and investment values in this version. You will still be able to view and edit your financial data in this version and to manually update your accounts and investment values. Microsoft may from time to time without notice, automatically download and install onto your computer updates for Microsoft Money, including updates necessary for you to continue to use the Internet-based Services.

Category: Online

Keywords: Internet, IBSP, Activation, Quote, Business, OSP