Stopping the MoneySide (Money Viewer) opening automatically

If you have a version of Microsoft Money with MoneySide (known as the Money Viewer in some versions), then this might open automatically.

To stop this behavior, you will need to change the settings.

On the 'Help' menu in MoneySide, click on the Settings option. To stop MoneySide from opening automatically, choose the 'Never' option under 'Open MoneySide' and press 'Done'.

You can also turn it off for the session instead here.

If you want to be able to access MoneySide, you can add an icon for it to the Internet Explorer toolbar. This can be done by clicking on View->Toolbars and then pressing 'Customize'. On the available toolbar button, find the MoneySide one, and press Add.

When this option is available, MoneySide can be opened by clicking the new icon on the Internet Explorer toolbar.

Note that the information shown is taken out of your Money file, and is not stored online anywhere.

MoneySide has been removed from Microsoft Money (see the removed items page).

Category: Online

Keywords: MoneySide, IE, Internet Explorer