Sorting the check register

Microsoft Money allows you to view your check or account registers in a variety of ways. The current sort option can be seen at the top of the register (as seen in the image below).

Sort view in the account register in Microsoft (MS) Money

There are two ways to sort the register. The first is to press the 'Change register view' option, and select the 'Sort by' item. You can see this in the image below.

The options which you can choose in Money 2005 include sorting by Date, Number (the 'num' field in transactions'), Entry Order (which matches the order in real time that the transactions were put in the register), Payee, Amount and Category. Each of these can be in Ascending or Descending order.

Sort by options for sorting the account register in Microsoft Money

An alternative way of sorting the check or account register is to click on the column heading. For example, if you click on the 'Date' label above the date column, the register will be sorted by date. Click it again, and it reverses the sort.

The current column sorted shows a black triangle. In the example below, the Date column is being sorted in ascending order of date.

Black triangle denoting the sorted column in the Microsoft Money account register

Category: Accounts